Social Emotional
makes me stronger
when we use up or lose purple bunnies and build them back up, we are building resilience.
Sometimes we just do not have many purple bunnies.
Sometimes we start our day with a lot of pb but then, something happens. Maybe we get disappointed. Perhaps our work that day is very difficult.
The bad news is. . .that feeling is not comfortable. We do not like the feeling.
The good news is. . .we get to build resilience.
Solve Problems
Disappointment is the upsetting feeling we have when situations do not turn out as we had hoped.
Children can be taught to notice and appreciate the feeling of disappointment.
We all need to learn to become comfortable with that feeling. It helps us build resilience.
It helps us handle the uncomfortable feelings that come from learning something new.
Here is a song that helps them learn the idea.
When I get disappointed,
I don't throw a fit!
I grow UP!
Just a little bit.
It is important to ask, "How did you get disappointed today?"
Help them notice how they lived through it.
Show them that living through the disappointment helps them 'grow up, just a little bit'